
A free, easy, and awesome PHP MongoDB GUI

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The Ultimate Open Source Web-MongoDB UI

Build Status MIT License

moaDB splash

What is moa(db)?

Moa(db) is a open source PHP MongoDB GUI. The project is focused on a very simple interface and a drag & drop setup. Helpful query validation, amazing lightweight UI , JSON imports & exports, SSL support and much more in the box.

Checkout more screenshots


chrome firefox safari

Chome, Firefox, Safari. Some call it a limitation, but I'am calling it a feature: No support for IE at this time.

Getting Started

moa(db) works with PHP5+ and requires Mongo PHP Driver to be installed and running.

To setup moa(db) :

- Copy the `moaDB` folder to a secure path on your web site.

Then your done, but you might want to :

- Change the `.htaccess` file in order to block unwanted authorization.
- Check out the config settings in `resources/php/config.php`.

Finally go to the URL pointing to moaDB on your web site.

Status & Trouble Shooting

This project is new and a work in progress. Bugs, issues and improvements are very welcome.

Endif syntax error

- Docker support;
- Set "short_open_tag = On" in your php.ini file;


** [1.0.1] **

- Docker support;
- Fixes to redirect loop on fresh mongodb install;
- Short_Open_Tag hotfix;

** [1.0.0] **

- First commit;


This project started out as a quick fix, for a GUI to support mongo ssl, but I have now decided to continue improving it and share the love. Feel free to contribute to MoaDB. Make sure your methods are tested on the support browsers, and that any new functionality includes appropriate comments.